Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Contra Code Installation

Chad Crane and I recently collaborated on an installation for the 'E Pluribus Unum' show.  Chad (a proud geek) re-introduced me to the 'Contra Code', a series of actions in various old-school video games that allows the player to re-animate their character and essentially become digitally immortal.

The theme of the show was about what unites us as a country, especially during a divisive and often counterproductive political election cycle.  What better way to show our common experience of death than to demonstrate the possibility of endless life, even if it is just in a video game?

Each of the commands for the Contra Code was etched onto welded steel planters arranged in a circle.  Each planter contains a single plant that slowly deteriorates for the duration of the show.

Pedestals in progress

Planters in progress before etching

Planter stands in progress

Planters in progress

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