Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Geeking out with Arduino

Recently I've maxed out my geek-o-meter and have been trying my hand at building & coding a microprocessor to use in dynamic/interactive sculptures.  I've started with the Arduino, a pretty straightforward but powerful bit of open-source electronics that has a large support network on the interwebs.

An overview from MAKE magazine, one of the greatest publication of all time:

A hub with lots of information/tutorials for the Arduino crowd:

Here's a TED talk about the Arduinio 'open-sourcing the imagination':

And a few projects that give an idea of what you can do with this crazy little thing:

Giant flame-throwing scorpion, with come videos:

Mind-controlled flame thrower (there are other things it can do besides control flame effects, these are just some of the coolest):

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